Site not approved? Best AdSense alternatives

Why your site got rejected, how to get it approved and what is the best alternative if you can't get the site approved (and if your site gets approved as well).

Did you recently apply for a Google AdSense account but your site got rejected? You should read this article to understand why your site got rejected, how to get it approved and especially what is the best alternative if you can’t get the site approved (and if your site gets approved as well).

Why many sites are getting rejected?

The number of publishers around the world is expanding rapidly. Everybody is dreaming about earning money with a website nowadays, providing their own business, from their own home, using only a laptop and an internet connection. Generating money 24h per day with a blog is the ambition of a growing number of people around all the world.

For this reason thousands of websites are sent to Google for AdSense approval every single day.
So, now Google is accepting only those sites which have Quality, Authority and Originality.
That’s why majority sites are facing rejection & its feels like getting approved with Google AdSense is becoming more and more difficult nowadays.

The main reason for AdSense rejection nowadays is: low value content

An example:

Hello there,
We have reviewed example .com. Unfortunately,  example .com has not been approved for Google AdSense (or Google Ad Manager). The team has reviewed it but unfortunately your site isn’t ready to show ads at this time. There are some issues which need fixing before your site is ready to show ads.
1. Low value content
Your site does not yet meet the criteria of use in the Google publisher network. For more information, review the following resources:
Minimum content requirements
Make sure your site has unique high quality content and a good user experience
– Webmaster quality guidelines for thin content
Webmaster quality guidelines

How to get the site approved?

Follow Google’s guidelines provided by google in the rejection email (see above). But be warned, there is no guarantee that your website will ever get approved.

What is the best AdSense alternative?

What is the best AdSense alternative? Shortly: header bidding.
Header bidding opens your site to a huge number of different companies, AdSense competitors, which will approve your website very easily as long as it contains legal and safe to work contents.

There are many other websites offering AdSense alternatives but they offer invasive and low quality ads: popups, pounders, malvertising…
All our header bidding buyers (also called SSPs) are instead all approved by The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) and their ads look exactly like Google AdSense ads.

Is header bidding better than AdSense?

Many people lose their time to get approved on AdSense for months before giving up.
If your website already has high traffic don’t wait any longer, apply for header bidding and start monetizing it immediately without waiting for a very difficult AdSense approval.

Many other people think that AdSense is the only way to make “real money”. You would be surprised instead that for some kind of traffic, header bidding performs much better than AdSense. Why? Because header bidding places on the website ads from multiple bidders instead of a single one (AdSense). Header bidding is an advanced programmatic advertising technique that allows publishers to simultaneously auction off their ad inventory to multiple advertisers in real-time.

Anything else to mention? Yes, header bidding is not only display ads but video ads as well. Video ads are available to all our publishers as well in multiple formats: in stream, out stream… you can use them to generate high CPM additional revenue.

How to start?

Join our publishers here, submit your site, follow the easy instructions and wait for the approval which should arrive in 24-48h max. Once your website gets approved, you can start placing the ads on your pages. With a few days, once all bidders (SSPs) start receiving requests coming from your site, you will get all the approvals and your revenue will be optimized and maximized.

So don’t wait more time and waste your traffic waiting for AdSense approvals!